The Solace of Public Lands in Years Like 2020

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it’s off to public lands I went…

I have solaced myself in this wild and crazy year through many visits to our public lands, primarily those across Wyoming. While I haven’t necessarily spent more time on our public lands this year than any other, I have developed new appreciation for their value as a source of comfort in this time of distress. 

The year has certainly been a ride for the ages: COVID, politics, elections, weather extremes, social unrest, the economy. With only several weeks to go before 2020 fades and 2021 rolls in, I think I’ll survive. But only through several more public lands excursions, provided my health continues to allow.


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Country, country, country…and more country…

In my search for solace during this ride for the ages I’ve been in the high country and the low country. I’ve been in the wet country too, which in Wyoming is special because there just isn’t a lot of it. Much of the country I’ve been in is without roads, so I’ve logged hundreds of miles on my boots and climbed tens of thousands of feet sucking air. But to get there I had to travel the roaded country too, which is special in its own right.

While out on my excursions I dabble in photography. It allows me to lock in memories. It allows me to share my fun with my fellow public land owners (note I do not disclose location; I leave it up to the viewer to figure that out).

As the holiday season approaches and you wind down your “ride for the ages”, grab your favorite “cheer” and enjoy my memories of my public lands journeys of 2020. And perhaps find some solace of your own.

Wyoming Style – A Public Lands Virtual Tour

Until the next time, be safe, have fun! Enjoy YOUR lands…and be thankful they exist



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