Is it true that Wyoming’s public lands bring serendipity?

Around every corner, serendipity abounds…

Is it true that Wyoming’s public lands bring serendipity?

After decades of exploring this great state, my experiences allow for one, and only one, conclusion –  ABSOLUTELY!

Whether it’s visits to snow-capped mountains managed by the Forest Service.

Or trips to high cold deserts managed by the Bureau of Land Management.

Or excursions to parks, monuments, and refuges managed by the National Park Service and Fish and Wildlife Service.

Each adventure results in stumbling upon something of good fortune. Something new, something exciting, something of intrinsic value.

In finding valuable or pleasant things…

Sunrises, where for each and every one, there’s a new palette of natural, earthy colors…

Rock formations that layer and twist and bend and fold, through processes that are hard to comprehend…

Roads that prompt double-checking survival gear before shifting into 4×4 mode, and setting off for adventure into the land of the unknown…

Lakes or streams that beckon a taste, sometimes cold enough to cause a brain freeze…

Vistas that reach for tens of miles on many a day…

Critters of all shapes and sizes, roaming free, some predators, some prey…

Sunsets that are different everyday, each unique, each in existence for only a short time.

That nurture the soul, and bring peace and tranquility…

For around every tree, or behind every rock, or over every ridge, or across every creek, I always feel lucky.

Lucky to live in a country wealthy enough to be able to afford public lands.

Fortunate to have good health to be able to explore.

And lucky to be, well, lucky.

So, until next time…enjoy your public lands, and may serendipity be with you…




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