You have property in Wyoming!

You are richer than you may think.

Much richer.

You have this incredible wealth because you have property in Wyoming. Lots of property. Over THIRTY MILLION ACRES of property. That equates to 48% of the entire State. WOW!

You can’t sell any of your Wyoming property. Nor can you build a house or vacation cabin on it.

But…you can do a lot of other things with it.

You can hike for miles on end across it. You can camp for days or weeks on it. You can sit on the banks of a clear mountain stream and read a book. You can hunt elk, deer, or pronghorn. You can fish for Yellowstone cutthroat trout. You can chase butterflies with your children. Or you can simply find solace in knowing it is there; in knowing that you can’t necessarily go there today because of your busy life but that perhaps you can some day, maybe your next vacation or when you retire in 2030.

So just what the heck am I talking about?

I’m talking about public lands. Your lands. Lands across Wyoming owned by all citizens of the United States.

Public lands are national treasures. These treasured landscapes have been under threat by commercial interests and politicians in every generation since their inception. The threats today are as contentious as ever, particularly in western States like Wyoming, where there are multiple efforts to place our public treasures, particularly Forest Service and BLM lands, in state management or ownership. Called the public lands debate, the dialogue seems to escalate daily. You may want to engage in the conversation, no matter your viewpoint or where you live. If so, I encourage you to write your respective State delegation as well as legislatures in Wyoming and express your opinion(s) on public lands in Wyoming.

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